It’s Graduation Time!
Our first full Life Skills & Computer Training course just graduated!
We celebrated together with all the students and many of their family and friends. Jeremy exhorted and encouraged them about the road ahead as they continue to seek Christ and impact their communities. Our plan to lead one worship song progressed into a half-hour of spontaneous worship! (That is one of our all-time favorite things about Africa, by the way…)
Franklin, our Life Skills leader, presented the students with their graduation certificates. He also opened up for a time of testimonies. One girl shared that many of her friends keep telling her she is different now, and she’s been able to tell them about the changes God has made in her life through the course. How incredible is that?!
We are so very proud of all of students! Would you stop for a minute and say a prayer for them?
What can we pray for you about?
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