Indyebo Theological Training


A two-year program with 10 courses per year (over 4 terms each year), this theological training program is for anyone interested in theological and ministry studies. Upon successful completion, students will receive the following:

  • An official Certificate of Completion from Cape Town Baptist Seminary
  • An opportunity to enter into a degree program at Cape Town Baptist Seminary for further studies

All courses meet weekly on Monday & Wednesday from 9:15am till 2:30pm.

Presentation of ID and non-refundable registration fee required at time of registration.



  1. Old Testament Survey Part I
  2. Old Testament Survey Part II
  3. New Testament Survey Part I
  4. New Testament Survey Part II
  5. Doctrine
  6. Prayer
  7. Hermeneutics
  8. Hermeneutics II
  9. Hermeneutics III
  10. Homiletics I
  11. Old Testament Exegesis
  12. New Testament Exegesis
  13. Christian Worship
  14. Pastoral Care
  15. Church Administration
  16. Ethics
  17. Stewardship
  18. Evangelism
  19. Missions
  20. Church History

Order of courses may vary




Opened in 2023, we have an on-site theological library designed for the needs of local pastors. All of the pastors & church leaders connected to our Spiritual Formation programs are welcome to use this resource to prepare sermons and grow in their own discipleship journey.