Giving Hope in 2021
#GivingTuesday is a global day of generosity where individuals celebrate and support their favorite charities and mission organizations.
But it’s more than that.
It’s a movement where we can all come together collectively and inspire hope, joy and goodwill. We believe it doesn’t have to last just a day or even a week, but maybe even move beyond this season into 2021.
This year has impacted everyone. It’s in the midst of this crazy year that we’ve come upon #GivingTuesday again. Yet it has the power to do so much more good and impact so many more people this year than ever.
That’s why we’re moving forward into the next year with our mission of #GiveHope21. It’s in the times that are darkest, where the light can shine the brightest. We believe now is the time we can take advantage of the opportunity to share true HOPE. It’s in celebration of this giving season that we want you to meet Veliswa.

Veliswa was a student in our Hair Salon Training program a few years ago. She thrived in Hope Africa Collective’s salon where she learned hands-on hairstyling techniques, entrepreneurship skills, and how to use her business as an avenue for ministry. After graduating the program and receiving a grant from a generous donor, she opened her first salon right in her very own community. This salon supported herself, her cousin, her sister, and her 3 nieces.
This first salon did so well that Veliswa opened a second salon and was able to train and hire other young women to work under her. In creating these jobs, Veliswa helped equip and empower these young women to take charge of their lives and provide for their own families.
Her journey out of poverty was so inspiring that it caught the attention of the media, and she was featured on National South African TV. Veliswa was also acknowledged at a university in Cape Town to share her success as an entrepreneur due to Hope Africa Collective’s training.

(From the TV studio set starting on the left: Veliswa, Brandon- our Managing Director, and Ziyanda- the director of the Hair Salon Program)
After running these 2 salons successfully, Veliswa has been attending the Pastoral Leadership Program at Hope Africa Collective. She applied for this program as a leader in her church because she wanted to make more of an impact in her community and better minister to the people who walk into her salon.
“It’s not the same before the lockdown,” Veliswa comments on how her salons are doing now. “It’s hard to get customers because most of our customers lost their jobs during the lockdown.”
The hardships that have occurred this year have touched the lives of everyone, regardless of socioeconomic status. However, for those living in poverty, this year has deepened the extremity of that reality.
Veliswa is considered a success story!
She made intentional efforts to exit poverty and improve her current reality─not just for herself, but also for the benefit of others.
Although her life has dramatically changed for the better due to her training at Hope Africa Collective, this year with the pandemic has challenged the progress Veliswa has made. She’s had to battle thoughts like…
Can I continue providing for my family?
Will I be able to keep both of my salons open?
I’m concerned for the health and safety of my family and friends also living in poverty.
Veliswa’s story is one of many who could use your help.
Climbing out of poverty requires patient perseverance and conscious efforts in the face of much opposition. Veliswa has made those efforts, but has been knocked down again as a result of this year. Countless others have had a similar experience in her community.

Living on less than $1.50 per day makes it very difficult to provide for a family, let alone one person!
What our communities need now more than ever are tools, resources, empowerment, and HOPE.
They don’t need a hand-out. They need real people who deeply care and want to invest in their story. They need to be equipped with the knowledge and skills to make a living for themselves and patiently persevere in their journey out of poverty. And they need the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ to reveal their need for a Savior who loves them and provides HOPE, PEACE, and JOY despite all odds.
These South African individuals need YOU.
Will you join us in mobilizing community leaders─like Veliswa─toward life-change and freedom?
Will you join us in the story of ending poverty?
Will you join us in making a difference in this world?
#GiveHope21 is a movement we want to catalyze to move beyond this giving season and into the next year. In a time where we all could use hope, please join us in this campaign to inspire empowerment, mobilize life transformation and #GiveHope21!
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