“I Feel Alive!”
Maren, one of our staff members, recently sat down to chat with a student in our Life Direction course. Chuma is a 31-year-old single mom of two who started the course last month. She first heard about it over a year ago, but couldn’t afford to join. When a friend attended and told her how much she was learning, Chuma vowed to find a way to attend this year. She sat down and created a plan, started saving money, and officially joined us in March.
Maren asked her what her expectations were when she arrived on the first day. “I was excited,” Chuma said. “Because… I had a troubled soul. There was something that wasn’t healed. It was a phase I was going through. I didn’t understand at that time that there were things I was struggling with.”
She went on to describe her life before she came to Hope Africa. “I felt lonely. I felt like I’m alone, like I couldn’t talk to anyone about my problems. I felt as though I’m being rejected all over, not only family-wise, but all over.”
Chuma began crying as she shared the rest: “Because for two years, I’ve been searching for a job, and it was very difficult for me. I couldn’t get a job. It was a painful thing for me. So, I felt rejected, I didn’t feel loved, I lost my self-confidence.”
“And how is it now?” Maren asked. Chuma wiped her tears, and a smile spread across her face. Next thing you know, she’s laughing.
“I don’t know how to explain in a way you would understand. I feel alive. I feel happy because I found God. I was saved before but I got lost in a way. But I found myself again, through Christ, and I’m seeing things I didn’t see before.”
When asked about what the future looks like for her, Chuma’s response was surprising.
“Before I came here, I was looking for a job. But I’m not looking for a job anymore. The only thing I’m looking for is to serve God. I want to serve God. If God wants me to have a job, its fine, I’ll get a job. But I will serve Him. That’s the only thing that I’m focusing on now.”
What a joy to watch a life change from the inside out! You are helping us impact Chuma’s life forever — and many others just like her. Thank you for standing with us to transform lives and communities in South Africa!
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