Huge Strides

November 15, 2011

Once we decided to launch Bridge for Hope in the Cape Flats, we focused our efforts on fundraising, fine-tuning our business and ministry plans, and furthering connections to develop area-partnerships in South Africa.

In January, Terry and Jeanenne moved to Cape Town; Bridget and I followed in September. Since then, a lot of incredible things have happened:

  • The Xhosa Kings (tribal leaders) in the townships where we will begin our work have extended a welcome to us that typically takes people at least five years to receive! They are excited about what we’ll be doing and have even offered to give us land and facilities so that we can begin in their area.
  • We are in strategic partnership with the Youth With a Mission (YWAM) base in Muizenberg, working specifically with their Biblical Studies and Urban Ministries departments.
  • We’ve come under the covering of an organization called Shiloh Synergy. They provide financial accountability and assistance in gaining non-profit status within South Africa.
  • Strategic donors have paid for architectural plans to be drawn up for a facility we can develop down the road, encompassing everything from life and job skills training to a school and a church.
  • We’ve developed partnerships with World Changers Academy and the Salesian Institute. Their life skills training programs have equipped thousands of young adults with huge success.The leaders of these programs will be helping us launch our own life skills programs in the start of the new year.

We are excited about the huge strides we’ve made this past year, and look forward to everything God is still going to do!

-Jeremy Hilliard


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Huge Strides