Refer A Friend Challenge!
Welcome to our Refer-A-Friend Campaign!
During the month of April, we are seeking to add 30 new champions in 30 days giving $30/month to our Hope Africa Collective family of champions. Beginning April 4th, we are inviting our current champions to assist us with 3 simple weekly activities outlined below.
Pray – During Week 1 we ask you to spend some time in prayer asking God to reveal 3 like-minded friends that you could share the Hope Africa Collective story with. As He brings people to mind, ask that He begin preparing their hearts to hear, receive and act on the next step He has for them.
Share – Week 2 is about sharing Hope Africa with the friends God identified during week 1. It’s as easy as sharing what Hope Africa means to you and why you chose to become part of our collective. You can use the statement below as a quick description about the mission of Hope Africa Collective or use the sample message at this link. Let your friend know you will follow up with them after they have had time to pray and consider how God may be calling them to respond.
Hope Africa Collective’s mission is to end poverty through empowerment and opportunity, investing in sustainable solutions to the root causes of poverty and injustice. They believe in holistically developing individuals, producing personal transformation that creates a ripple effect of change in the communities where their students live and work.
Connect – In week 3 we encourage you to follow up with the friends you shared with in week 2. Commit to connect with those friends over coffee or conversation, see if you can answer any questions for them and invite them to become a Hope Africa Champion with you.
Celebrate – During week 4 we celebrate growing our collective impact on social media. Tag Hope Africa, tag your friends and let’s give them a warm welcome to the Hope Africa Champion family.
We believe the journey to transformation begins with hope. With your help we will be able to reach more students with the message and means of achieving greater hope.
Already a Champion? Click here to Accept the Challenge.
Interested in becoming a Champion? Get started here.
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