Envisioning a Future
March 26, 2021
No matter your present circumstances, having a safe space to wrestle through the hardships in our lives and still be...
180° Turns
July 27, 2020
As we look forward to cautiously welcoming students on base again and classes start back up with respect to social...
Carried by a New Life-Song
December 4, 2019
Ziyanda approached the table quietly. She had such a wide smile that made her cheeks full and glisten in the sunshine....
Sparks That Fly
December 4, 2019
Anyone meeting Sandiso for the first time might not see it. The spark. He’s quiet. “A man of few words”, as some have called...
“I Feel Alive!”
April 1, 2017
Maren, one of our staff members, recently sat down to chat with a student in our Life Direction course. Chuma...
Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound!
August 23, 2016
Student Snapshot: Meet Zukisa!
July 20, 2016
Zukisa told us that when she first started the Life Development course, she figured it would be like all the other programs she’d...
Student Snapshot: Meet Asive!
March 8, 2016
Our most recent EPIC course just wrapped up. (As a refresher, EPIC is our leadership and discipleship intensive. You can...